SG XylellaTesting is the most sensitive molecular analysis service available for the early detection of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, a bacterium capable of transmitting both by grafting and by insect vectors.

Sistemas Genómicos is contributing, with genetic-based tools, to the contingency plan for the threat posed by Xylella fastidiosa for European agriculture. We provide molecular analytical detection services that contribute to achieving its eradication.



Analysis for detecting the bacterium Xylella Fastidiosa

SGXylellaTesting, the most sensitive molecular analysis service available for the early detection of this bacterium even in plants that, despite being infected, do not present symptoms.

SG XylellaTesting

The analysis of plant material is vital for the control of the bacterium. SGXylellaTesting can be applied both for the early detection of already infected plants and for the preventive analysis of all imported plant material susceptible of being infected. Thus, SGXylellaTesting is a highly accurate and reliable tool for plant protection and for the success of containment protocols aimed at preventing the dispersion of the bacterium to other crops or geographical areas.


Main Advantages

    Early detection of already infected plants, even if they are asymptomatic.

    Control analysis of imported plant material susceptible to infection.

    Real-time PCR analytical methodology of the highest sensitivity available.

    Results available in 12 hours.

Sistemas Genómicos is
accredited by the Spanish Institution for Accreditation (ENAC)

We hold ENAC accreditation according to the standard UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 to carry out tests, both qualitative and quantitative, on transgenic material in food products and animal feed (Accreditation No. 313/LE646). 

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We are also represented in the main work forums both nationally and internationally, related to GMO:

  • Joint Research Centre (JRC) from the EU.
  • Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM) from the EU.
  • GIPSA Proficiency Program on GMO testing from USDA, (United States Department of Agriculture).
  • FAPAS Proficiency program on GMO testing.

We can clear up any doubts

We can help you and provide advice before buying the kit, up to correctly implementing it in your laboratory and during the entire time you are using our kits

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