2º Simposio Nacional SEOM – Madrid 2012

La Secretaría Técnica del 2º SIMPOSIO NACIONAL SEOM, confirma que la comunicación presentada por SISTEMAS [...]

Transcriptome sequencing for SNP discovery across Cucumis melo. BMC Genomics 2012, 13:280 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-13-280. Para ver el artículo completo: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/13/280

Transcriptome sequencing for SNP discovery across Cucumis melo. BMC Genomics 2012, 13:280 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-13-280. Para ver [...]

Presentación de OTO GeneProfile®

Sistemas Genómicos presenta el test OTO GeneProfile® de diagnóstico genético por secuenciación masiva para Hipoacusias. [...]

Colon cancer molecular subtypes identified by expression profiling and associated to stroma, mucinous type and different clinical behavior. BMC Cancer. 2012 Jun 19;12(1):260.

Colon cancer molecular subtypes identified by expression profiling and associated to stroma, mucinous type and [...]

Alport Syndrome: De Novo Mutation in the COL4A5 Gene Converting Glycine 1205 to Valine Pediatrics. 2012:6 41-49 doi: 10.4137/CMPed.S7509

Alport Syndrome: De Novo Mutation in the COL4A5 Gene Converting Glycine 1205 to Valine Pediatrics. [...]

Tomato Genome Consortium – The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution. Nature. 2012 May 30;485(7400):635-41.

Tomato Genome Consortium – The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution. Nature. [...]