Postnatal Stage

SG Oncobytes®

SG Oncobytes® is an innovative system of diagnosis and treatment that can extract as much information as possible from each cancer cell to be analysed and treated, from a point mutation to a whole exome.

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The system is designed to connect all patient data using clinical procedures, bioinformatics analysis of the information, clinical-biological interpretation and setting personalised treatment.

By using SG Oncobytes®, we can detect pathogenic variants that are of clinical interest in tumour sample to promote the application of earlier treatment, which is more personal and efficient, as well as swifter and more exhaustive monitoring.


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SG Oncobytes® Customisation

Sistemas Genómicos can create personalised solutions for the field of oncology that cover specific needs, creating new tailor-made services to help doctors and researchers in any clinical situation that may arise.

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SG Oncobytes® in GeneSGKit® format

Sistemas Genómicos turns the advances made in sequencing and cutting-edge technology into tools to create integrated solutions that contribute to the process of diagnosis and clinical treatment, always to the benefit of patients.

  • OncoBRAF, OncoKRAS, OncoEFGR and OncoNRAS GeneSGKit®: Digital PCR for somatic mutations
    Our experts have developed the most finely tuned test on the market to detect specific mutation on the BRAF, KRAS, EFGR and NRAS genes, frequently associated with somatic cancers (bowel, melanoma and lung) using tumour DNA (20 ng) for droplet digital PCR platforms.     • OncoBRAF GeneSGKit®
         • OncoKRAS GeneSGKit®
         • OncoEFGR GeneSGKit®
         • OngoNGRAS GeneSGKit®

    These kits have the necessary reactants for processing the sample and also include a positive control to establish and confirm the validity of the results obtained. These allow the user to apply the service quickly and easily in their own laboratories, avoiding sending out samples, with highly reliable results and lower waiting times.
  • AML GeneSGKit®: NGS for Acute Myeloid Leukemia
    Developed in collaboration with experts on this type of disease, AML GeneSGKit® has CE markings for IVD and is designed to study 62 genes associated with various oncohaematological abnormalities. The work process is optimised to generate libraries in 9 hours and the technology used means multiple samples can be combined as well as various GeneSGKits®en in the same run on Illumina© sequencing platforms, ensuring that data is shared out equally between the samples. It contains 12 captures for the specialisation requested and the corresponding bioinformatics analysis through GeneSystems© .



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