Archivos Anuales: 2007
Species connectivities and reaction mechanisms from neutral response experiments.2007 Mar 15;111(10):1844-51. Epub 2007 Feb 20. Review.
Species connectivities and reaction mechanisms from neutral response experiments.2007 Mar 15;111(10):1844-51. Epub 2007 Feb 20. [...]
Gestión de calidad en los laboratorios de DGP. ASEBIR. 2007;12:36-42.
Gestión de calidad en los laboratorios de DGP. ASEBIR. 2007;12:36-42.
Perlecan Controls Neurogénesis in the Developing Telencephalon. BMC Developmental Biology. 2007 7:29
Perlecan Controls Neurogénesis in the Developing Telencephalon. BMC Developmental Biology. 2007 7:29
Gestión de calidad en Genética. UNE. 2007;220: 22-26.
Gestión de calidad en Genética. UNE. 2007;220: 22-26.
Deletion of the N-terminus of IKK-g induces apoptosis in keratinocytes and impairs the Akt/PTEN signaling patway. Experimental Cell Research 2007 313(4):742-52
Deletion of the N-terminus of IKK-g induces apoptosis in keratinocytes and impairs the Akt/PTEN signaling [...]
Heteroduplex analysis by capillary array electrophoresis for rapid mutation detection in large multiexon genes. Nat Protoc. 2007;2(1):237-46.
Heteroduplex analysis by capillary array electrophoresis for rapid mutation detection in large multiexon genes. Nat [...]
RhoE interferes with Rb inactivation and regulates the proliferation and survival of the U87 human glioblastoma cell line. Experimental Cell Research .Feb 15 2007; 313 (4):719-31 (Poch E. y Miñambres R. son considerados co-autores)
RhoE interferes with Rb inactivation and regulates the proliferation and survival of the U87 human [...]
RhoE participates in the stimulation of the inflammatory response induced by etanol in astrocytes. Experimental Cell Research 2007. Oct 15:313 (17): 3779-88.
RhoE participates in the stimulation of the inflammatory response induced by etanol in astrocytes. Experimental [...]
Molecular characterization and recuperation of bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria isolated from dry cured-meat products. Journal of Biotechnology 131S (2007) S211-241-51
Molecular characterization and recuperation of bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria isolated from dry cured-meat [...]
Production of transgenic citrus plants using isopentenyltransferase (ipt) positive selection and removal of the marker gene by site-specific recombination. Acta Horticulturae 738:191-200, 2007.
Production of transgenic citrus plants using isopentenyltransferase (ipt) positive selection and removal of the marker [...]